Maori gods

We read a story about the myths and legends of Maori God. It started with Rangi the sky father and Papa the earth mother and for years their children's  had to live in darkness cramp and sqeased by their parents. Their names were Tu, Tangaroa, Tane, Tawhirimatea, Haumia, and Rongo. So then some of the brothers got tired of being all cramp up and then they decided that something must be done about their parents. Then Tu said, "Let us kill our parents!" But then the other brothers said, "We can't kill our parents." "No we can't kill them." "We should keep things as they are." "Haumia agreed." "Maybe there is a way we can push them apart." Tangaroa tryed first but he could not lift Rangi, Tu tryed next but he could not lift Rangi ether even though he heved and pushed he could not lift Rangi, Tawhirimatea just sadly sat and watched, he thought it was crule to seperate their parents, Tane tryed next but he could not lift Rangi, then he had an idea, he laid on his back and pushed his legs agenst Rangi. Then he pushed him out of the sky then he dressed Papa with grass and bush's and trees, and he dressed Rangi with clouds. Tane became gaurdian sperit of the forest, Tu became god of man and war, Tangaroa became gaurdian sperit of the sea, Tawhirimatea became god of winds and storms,Haumia became gaurdian sperit of wild and uncultavatide food, and Rongo became god s peace and agricultre. Now when it rains you can see Rangi crying to his lost love Papa. My favarit part of the story about the myths and legends of Maori god was what their children became god of. What I didn't like about the story was that their children were all cramp up inside their darkness. And so that's the story of Rangi and Papa. BLOG YA LATER!


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