
Showing posts from November, 2019


In rotation, we mostly just get split into three groups called either technology or gardening or yearbook or even movie making and computer skills. In technology we mostly use these things called spheros that are these little things that are like balls that can be controlled by an ipad. And you probably already know what gardening is. And should probably also know what yearbook means. In movie making we make short movies. And in computer skills we just normally do things on the Chromebook. BLOG YA LATER!


In athletics day first we did the high jump and then long jump and finely we started running. The high jump is jumping over the pole using a scissor jump just for safety and then land into the pit in a very safe way like Spider-man. Then in long jump we run as fast as we can and then we jump in the sand pit as long as we can. Then finely running we wait for one of the teachers to say, "On your marks, get Set."   When they clap the box then we started running and then go back in line to wait for our turn again. That's all the athletics there is. BLOG YA LATER!

High jump

We have been in lines to wait for our turn to jump over the pole by jumping with one foot at a time, and the ones that have knocked the pole down have to leap over it.
We have been gardening and at first, we were pulling out the roots for our vegetables to grow big and strong, but we were only not aloud to pull out the vegetables. The second time when we were gardening, we were growing potato's by giving them potato food for them to eat to help the potato's grow big and strong, but we also had to be careful because we were not aloud to step on the vegetables because if we stepped on them then the vegetables will all die and we will have to grow the vegetables all over again which is a whole lot of work, and I was bringing some water to help the potato's grow big and strong. And then I helped with some digging. BLOG YA LATER!